Filtering by: NYC Climate Week
ONLINE | Sustainability Town Hall (The New School Only)
1:00 PM13:00

ONLINE | Sustainability Town Hall (The New School Only)

1:00 - 2:30 PM EST

Online (Zoom)

Join us for our annual Sustainability Town Hall to discuss and review this year’s campus sustainability work. The Tishman Environment and Design Center and The New School’s Buildings department would love to hear from you about composting in the cafeteria, the Demand Response Program, and any other environmental and climate-related issues on your mind. 

The town hall will be facilitated by Ashley Kossakowski, Director of Energy Management and Sustainability in the Buildings Department, and Mike Harrington, Director of Sustainability Engagement at the Tishman Environment and Design Center. 

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Build, Fight, Transform: Building a Regenerative Economy through the Practices of Solidarity, Decolonization, and Degrowth
12:00 PM12:00

Build, Fight, Transform: Building a Regenerative Economy through the Practices of Solidarity, Decolonization, and Degrowth

12:00 - 2:00 PM EST

Wolff Conference Room

Albert and Vera List Academic Center, room D11036

6 E 16th Street, New York, NY 10003

As a prelude to Climate Week, the Tishman Environment Design Center will host our visiting scholar Kali Akuno for a second lunch and learn. Kali will build upon the last session by expanding on the Build and Fight Formula that Cooperation Jackson utilizes in its mission to build just communities in Jackson, MS. 

As an environmental justice leader, Kali is working on a transformative book, The Build and Fight Formula. With this text, Kali aims to provide strategic suggestions for social movements in the US and beyond. These suggestions focus on building participatory democracy from the grassroots level and altering the commodity form of production to regenerate social relations. Ultimately, this transformation aims to end various forms of exploitation and extraction and reposition our communities in the right relationship with our ecologies. Kali's work is not just inspiring but also offers hope for a better future.

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[EXTERNAL] Women & Feminists for Climate Justice Contingent at the Fridays for Future March
1:15 PM13:15

[EXTERNAL] Women & Feminists for Climate Justice Contingent at the Fridays for Future March

March starts at 2:00 PM ET, meet up at 1:15 PM ET

City Clerk's Office, 141 Worth St, New York, NY 10013

On September 20, 2024 thousands of people will march in New York City for a Global Climate Strike to demand action from governments to end the era of fossil fuels.

Please be welcome to join us and walk together with other women and feminists who are calling for an end to fossil fuels and for gender-just climate solutions! All organizations, feminists, women, and gender justice advocates are welcome to join the contingent as we march, sing and raise our voices in community.

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[EXTERNAL] Climate Science Fair
to Sep 23

[EXTERNAL] Climate Science Fair

10:00 AM - 7 PM EST daily

The High Line, New York, NY 10011

The Fair welcomes scientists, farmers, foodies, artists, thinkers, nature lovers, and the curious of all ages to Emerson Collective’s 2024 Climate Science Fair. We’re coming together to show that big, bold, optimistic climate ideas are not just possible but already making a difference. Bring your sense of wonder to the High Line for a fair that promises to inform and inspire all of us to discover our inner citizen scientist.

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6th International Rights of Nature Tribunal End of the Fossil Fuel Era - First Session
8:30 AM08:30

6th International Rights of Nature Tribunal End of the Fossil Fuel Era - First Session

8:30 AM - 4:00 PM EST

Starr Foundation Hall

The New School University Center Room UL102

63 5th Ave, New York, NY 10003

The International Rights of Nature Tribunal will convene at Climate Week in New York to address the global challenges posed by the fossil fuel industry. This session aims to amplify the Rights of Nature as a crucial tool in defending life on Earth – featuring testimony from frontline community representatives and expert panels. The Tribunal will scrutinize the fossil fuel industry’s impacts on biodiversity and BIPOC communities and advocate for a just and clean transition by keeping fossil fuels in the ground. Join us in this pivotal moment as we pave the way toward COP30 in Brazil.

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[EXTERNAL] Climate Justice Summit: People Deliver
9:00 AM09:00

[EXTERNAL] Climate Justice Summit: People Deliver

  • The Forum at Columbia University (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

9:00 AM - 9:00 PM EST

The Forum at Columbia University

601 W 125th St, New York, NY 10027

This summit is a powerful convening of climate justice leaders from around the world, focusing on global collaboration and knowledge exchange. This summit aims to catalyze global collaboration to drive progress on climate justice, particularly across the following themes: Climate Governance and Inclusive Decision-Making, Sustainable Cities and Food Systems, Loss and Damage, and Nature-based Solutions. Discussions will feature frontline communities, land defenders, international policymakers, researchers, funders, and BIPOC climate justice leaders.

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Better Worlds Ahead: Realizing Our Brighter Climate Futures
12:00 PM12:00

Better Worlds Ahead: Realizing Our Brighter Climate Futures

12:00 - 1:30 PM EST

Tishman Auditorium

63 5th Ave, New York, NY 10003

This Event has reached capacity for now. You can join the waitlist here, and as seats open up, we will add names from the waitlist based on the order in which we receive your request. All event attendees and waitlist registrants will receive a video recording of the event.

To navigate our current climate reality, we must imagine a better climate future. Join visionaries Stacey Abrams (Rewiring America) and Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson (Urban Ocean Lab) for an in-depth conversation about imagining better futures, finding hope and motivation for continued action, and where climate solutions are already taking root. Esteemed multi-disciplinary artist Aisha Shillingford (Intelligent Mischief) will guide an interactive visioning exercise to help us collectively articulate the climate futures we want and how we can start building them now.

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[EXTERNAL] Season of Dissent: Expression & Unity in the Environmental Justice Movement
3:00 PM15:00

[EXTERNAL] Season of Dissent: Expression & Unity in the Environmental Justice Movement

3:00 - 5:00 PM EST

29-35 9th Ave, New York, NY 10014

Join us for an unforgettable afternoon as we gather to honor and elevate the power of expression, unity, and civil disobedience in the Environmental Justice movement. In Season of Dissent, we spotlight voices at the forefront of the fight for environmental justice and democracy, centering the essential freedoms of expression and assembly. Counterstream is thrilled to host powerful stories from activists and organizers who have taken bold stands against environmental injustices that threaten their communities and our shared future. Hear their stories of resistance, resilience, and creativity as they use art, protest, and unity to defend our collective rights.

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[EXTERNAL] Building a Just Transportation Ecosystem
3:30 PM15:30

[EXTERNAL] Building a Just Transportation Ecosystem

  • 675 3rd Avenue New York, NY, 10017 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

3:30 - 5:00 PM EST

675 3rd Ave, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10017

Are you a boba-loving-transportation-nerd looking for just solutions to the climate crisis? Oh boy - do we have an event for you.

The transportation sector is a key driver in the climate crisis, comprising about a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, the consequences of climate change will endanger transportation infrastructure by increasing the severity and frequency of extreme weather events. To meet the moment, it is critical that policymakers and industry leaders make drastic, near-term changes to decarbonize the sector and move toward clean, sustainable transportation solutions.

This panel will bring together civil society and policy experts working to address the negative climate and environmental justice impacts of our current transportation infrastructure with a particular emphasis on skyrocketing emissions from the ecommerce sector.

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[EXTERNAL] Saving Lives in Puerto Rico's Next Hurricane: Immediate energy security for the most vulnerable
5:30 PM17:30

[EXTERNAL] Saving Lives in Puerto Rico's Next Hurricane: Immediate energy security for the most vulnerable

5:30 - 7:30 PM EST

The People's Forum

320 W 37th St, New York, NY 10018

Join a panel discussion and fundraiser to benefit AMANESER 2025, a Puerto Rican environmental justice organization that works to bring rooftop solar systems to the people and communities that need it the most. These affordable, small-scale systems are designed to meet the critical needs of refrigeration, lighting and medical equipment during Puerto Rico's frequent blackouts. As Puerto Rico faces what could be a record-breaking hurricane season, join us to learn more about and support AMANESER’s life-saving work!

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[EXTERNAL] Climate solutions stories: A Grist 50 celebration
6:00 PM18:00

[EXTERNAL] Climate solutions stories: A Grist 50 celebration

6:00 - 8:30 PM EST

Hilton Midtown, 1335 6th Ave, New York, NY 10019

Each year, the Grist identifies 50 innovative and emerging leaders in climate, equity, and sustainability. These brilliant people are driving change in policy, in fashion, in tech, and in our food systems. Collectively, their work shows what a vibrant, diverse climate movement looks like, and how everyone has a place in it.

Join Grist in celebrating the 2024 Grist 50 with an event highlighting the personal stories and solutions of three of the new members of our Fixer community, followed by a networking reception to meet members of this year's Grist 50 list and mingle with other climate leaders.

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[EXTERNAL] Women on the Frontlines of the Climate Crisis: Ending the Era of Fossil Fuels and Implementing Solutions
4:45 PM16:45

[EXTERNAL] Women on the Frontlines of the Climate Crisis: Ending the Era of Fossil Fuels and Implementing Solutions

4:45 PM - 8:00 PM EST

UN Church Center

777 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017

During this in-person forum hosted by WECAN, women leaders in all their diversity will come together to share comprehensive and intersectional approaches and strategies to stop fossil fuel extraction, accelerate community-led climate solutions, and lead a Just Transition grounded in a climate justice framework. Critical topics include fossil fuel resistance; food sovereignty; forest protection; gender-responsive climate policies; Indigenous and human rights; Rights of Nature; strategic preparations for COP29 and COP30; uplifting care economies; community-led solutions; and transformative policies for our collective future. Women are leading the way!

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[EXTERNAL] Climate, Comedy & Cocktails: Network + Celebrate AAPI Climate Activists
6:00 PM18:00

[EXTERNAL] Climate, Comedy & Cocktails: Network + Celebrate AAPI Climate Activists

6:00 - 8:30 PM EST

China Institute of America

100 Washington St., 1st Floor, New York, NY 10006

A dynamic evening celebrating the AAPI artists involved in the ALL ARTS/PBS documentary series "Climate Artists" with an expert panel discussion, comedy from rising star Jiaoying Summers, climate-conscious food & cocktails, and an exclusive documentary series screening!

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[EXTERNAL] Transforming Global Economies: From Extraction to Regeneration in a Just Transition
11:00 AM11:00

[EXTERNAL] Transforming Global Economies: From Extraction to Regeneration in a Just Transition

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST

Online (Zoom)

During this virtual event, global women leaders will spotlight a Just Transition and economic models, solutions, and frameworks based on community-led solutions, feminist economics, Indigenous knowledge, beyond growth economies, and ancient concepts of reciprocity with the Earth and the web of life. The event discussion will focus on the growing emergence of socially just, place-based, and ecologically enhancing economic models that provide a clear blueprint for a thriving future for all.

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Grassroots Power: Perspectives on the Impact & Scale of Community-led Climate Solutions
6:00 PM18:00

Grassroots Power: Perspectives on the Impact & Scale of Community-led Climate Solutions

6:00 - 7:30 PM EST

Wollman Hall

66 West 12th Street, New York, NY, 10011

Join us for a galvanizing conversation on how grassroots-led climate solutions are not just innovative and scalable, but essential for the systemic change we need.

Environmental justice (EJ) and climate justice (CJ) grassroots communities are building holistic climate solutions that also address complex social issues in a way that puts communities and peoples in charge of their own futures. This work is often mistranslated or inaccurately translated in the “impact” frameworks of funders and policymakers, who may incorrectly perceive this work as too small to tackle the climate crisis effectively, even though these efforts are key to creating healthy and thriving climate-resilient communities. 

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[EXTERNAL] “Climate Justice Lives Here!” Community Festival
2:00 PM14:00

[EXTERNAL] “Climate Justice Lives Here!” Community Festival

  • Pier 4 - Brooklyn Army Terminal (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

2:00 - 7:00 PM EST

Pier 4 - Brooklyn Army Terminal

80 58th St, Brooklyn, NY 11220

Join UPROSE for the “Climate Justice Lives Here!” community festival on Saturday, September 28th, 2024, in Sunset Park. This significant event concludes NYC Climate Week and marks the 10th anniversary of the People’s Climate March, celebrating the pivotal role of frontline communities in advancing climate justice. The festival will take place at the Brooklyn Army Terminal waterfront, offering a vibrant array of activities, including cultural performances, poetry readings, learning circles, and art projects, all centered around raising awareness for climate justice.

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ONLINE | Building Climate Justice Leadership: A Centering Justice Webinar
1:00 PM13:00

ONLINE | Building Climate Justice Leadership: A Centering Justice Webinar

1:00 - 2:30 PM EST

Online (Zoom)

What does it mean to build ethical alignment in the knowledge economy? How do university practitioners best uplift local knowledge without extraction? How can we train students and change-makers to be leaders and champions for justice through 2060 and beyond?

The Building Climate Justice Leadership panel discussion will address these critical questions, aiming to advance thinking and action related to the growing and supporting the future of climate justice leadership. The event will have a panel discussion and then open for Q&A with webinar participants. We hope you will join us.

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International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal Survivor Tour
7:00 PM19:00

International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal Survivor Tour


7:00-8:45 PM EST

Kellen Auditorium, 

66 5th Ave, NY, NY 10011

Bhopal is the Hiroshima of the petrochemical industry.

This December 3rd, 2024, marks the 40th anniversary of the 1984 Bhopal disaster when a poorly maintained pesticide factory leaked a massive cloud of chemical gas into Bhopal, a densely populated Indian city. The negligence of Union Carbide along with the governments of the United States of America and India directly contributed to this ongoing crisis.

Frontline environmental justice communities in the U.S. share a joint fight and understanding with those in Bhopal, India. The Bhopal struggle for corporate accountability mirrors struggles in Louisiana and West Virginia against Dow Chemical and other multinational corporations for decades of environmental injustices from petrochemical production. It has been close to 40 years since the disaster and those who struggle in Bhopal stand alongside survivors of numerous other chemical disasters that are still fighting to protect their community, like those impacted by the Trinity atom bomb tests in New Mexico to East Palestine, Ohio. The environmental justice movement is global. 

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[EXTERNAL] WECAN Women Ending the Era of Fossil Fuels and Leading a Just Transition
4:45 PM16:45

[EXTERNAL] WECAN Women Ending the Era of Fossil Fuels and Leading a Just Transition

  • 777 United Nations Plaza New York, NY, 10017 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are in a climate emergency, and now more than ever we need to end the era of fossil fuels and advance solutions to ensure a healthy and just planet for current and future generations! 

As global leaders gather in New York for the UN Climate Ambition Summit and General Assembly, we are calling on governments to reckon with their role in fueling climate chaos, and harm against communities and the planet by continuing the extraction of fossil fuels. We only have a limited amount of years left to address and mitigate the worst impacts of the climate crisis.

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[ONLINE] Mandatory Emissions Reductions: Centering Environmental Justice in Climate Policy
1:00 PM13:00

[ONLINE] Mandatory Emissions Reductions: Centering Environmental Justice in Climate Policy

Climate mitigation policies are among the most urgent and politically viable pathways to realize EJ gains in the form of co-pollutant mitigation. There are a variety of climate mitigation policies in place across the country and while these climate policies seek to reduce GHG emissions, they rarely, if ever, target or track the location-specific reduction of GHG emissions, and they neglect co-pollutants or simply assume that a concomitant reduction in co-pollutants will occur.

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[EXTERNAL] March to End Fossil Fuels
1:00 PM13:00

[EXTERNAL] March to End Fossil Fuels

We all want fresh air to breathe.  Good jobs for our families. A planet where our lands and oceans thrive.

​But the more oil, gas, and coal we burn, the more toxic air we breathe; the more heatwaves, fires, and floods we face. All while wealthy fossil fuel CEOs rake in record profits from dirty practices that pollute our communities. 

​President Biden has the power to stop them by putting an end to the expansion of fossil fuels -- ensuring that we all have clean air and water, and better health and safety for our communities. 

We deserve a world free from fossil fuels. This is our chance, and Biden's opportunity, to break free from fossil fuels and build a just and safe future.

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[EXTERNAL] BIPOC Climate Justice Dialogue III
1:00 PM13:00

[EXTERNAL] BIPOC Climate Justice Dialogue III

  • The Forum at Columbia University (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Bridging commitment to action. The Justice40 Initiative and the Inflation Reduction Act embody the current national commitment to environmental justice aiming to tackle a legacy of disinvestment and pollution in overburdened, underserved, and disadvantaged communities. More than one year into their signature into law can provide great insights into lessons learned, gaps, and opportunities to accomplish their goals.

Discussions will feature Administration and federal agency representatives and BIPOC climate justice leaders. Topics feature will include national climate justice implementation strategies and the roles of people, policy, pedagogy, and philanthropies in delivering them.

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IN PERSON | Newark EJ Tour - The New School Only
2:00 PM14:00

IN PERSON | Newark EJ Tour - The New School Only

  • Tishman Environment and Design Center, The New School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

EJ Tours are an important way we can gain a greater understanding of environmental justice issues in practice. By visiting with grassroots community based organizations in these two EJ communities we have a unique opportunity to get a deeper sense of EJ work in practice. The tours are a chance to physically experience and be immersed in the spaces that EJ communities call home and to enrich your appreciation for the many dimensions of what makes each community special. These tours are not meant to be voyeuristic - they are invitations to practice building community with EJ groups we will be committed to working with over the course of the semester and I will be committed to beyond this semester. This initial touch point gives you a chance to learn about EJ in an experiential way but to also reflect on your own commitments and connectedness to these places.

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[EXTERNAL] And the Worlds That Surround Film Screening
6:30 PM18:30

[EXTERNAL] And the Worlds That Surround Film Screening

For American architect and filmmaker Eric Franklin Romeo, better understanding the nuances of the environments that surround us has always served as a primer to designing within it. Over the last five years he has been observing the forgotten and underestimated areas of New York City through the moving lens of film.

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ONLINE| The World Is On Fire: Managing emotions in response to the climate crisis (The New School only)
2:00 PM14:00

ONLINE| The World Is On Fire: Managing emotions in response to the climate crisis (The New School only)

  • Tishman Environment and Design Center, The New School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

It is evident in these times that climate change is a serious crisis, with serious consequences. The potential mental health impacts are being seen in people of all ages, all around the world. It can be difficult to navigate these feelings and find spaces to process them. In this workshop, Marisa will identity some of the ways that bearing witness to environmental destruction may effect one’s mental health and will help attendees to feel less alone in this experience. She will also provide guidance and suggestions for managing these, at times overwhelming, emotions.

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ONLINE | Sustainability Town Hall
1:00 PM13:00

ONLINE | Sustainability Town Hall

  • Tishman Environment and Design Center, The New School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Are you curious about what we do at the Tishman Center or how you can get involved in the work we do? Are you curious about how the university itself handles things like waste, energy and water usage? Do you have questions about Environmental or Climate Justice or want to know about our student and faculty grant programs? Have questions about the Environmental Justice Movement Fellowship? Do you have suggestions for improving sustainability at the university?

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Tishman Center Virtual Open House
3:00 PM15:00

Tishman Center Virtual Open House

  • Tishman Environment and Design Center, The New School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Are you curious about what we do at the Tishman Center or how you can get involved in the work we do? Do you have questions about Environmental or Climate Justice or want to know about our student and faculty grant programs? Have questions about the Environmental Justice Movement Fellowship?

Join this informal online info session to learn about our Center and how you can get involved as a student, staff or faculty member. We welcome all of your questions!

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Resilient Urban Futures Book Launch
5:00 PM17:00

Resilient Urban Futures Book Launch

Join us for a roundtable discussion and launch of Resilient Urban Futures, a new book exploring the ways in which cities are profoundly impacted by climate change, and strategies for cultivating more resilient futures. Based on practical experience in participatory visioning in nine Latin American and U.S. cities, the volume provides tools for engaging urban communities in resilience strategies. Authors of this open access volume will discuss urban climate inequity, modeling and communicating the impact of extreme climate and weather, as well as visioning equitable, positive, and resilient futures.

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Hoodwinked in the Hothouse: Examining False Corporate Schemes being advanced through the Paris Agreement
5:00 PM17:00

Hoodwinked in the Hothouse: Examining False Corporate Schemes being advanced through the Paris Agreement

From Net Zero Emissions and Carbon Capture to Nature-based Solutions, a number of neoliberal policy agendas and unproven, corporate techno-fixes continue to subsidize the expansion of fossil fuel industries, while further impacting communities on the frontlines of climate chaos.

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A New York Green Amendment: Balancing power and equity for EJ communities
4:30 PM16:30

A New York Green Amendment: Balancing power and equity for EJ communities

We are pleased to invite you to join us for presentations on “The Green Amendment” and environmental justice in New York State. With our partners, we have moved legislation forward that would make clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment a constitutional right in New York State. These presentations will speak to the transformational difference environmental constitutionalism can make for environmental justice communities.

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3:30 PM15:30

Climate Justice in NYC: A Discussion with the Climate Change and Environmental Justice Leaders

How do we advance environmental and climate justice goals as a city? This is a question that the NYC administration is looking to address in many ways, one of the which is the appointment of EJ leaders to posts in their offices like the Office of Climate Policy and Programs and appointments to bodies like the NYC Panel on Climate Change (NPCC).

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Who Does Mapping Serve? GIS in Environmental Justice and Climate Change Research, Organizing and Action
5:30 PM17:30

Who Does Mapping Serve? GIS in Environmental Justice and Climate Change Research, Organizing and Action

What role can mapping play, especially in times of crisis? Who does it serve, and how can researchers, organizers and designers leverage mapping to advocate for equity and justice? As policy makers, planners, and advocates increasingly rely on spatial data and geospatial techniques to advance decision making, key questions surrounding equitable representation, ethical use, and access to needed resources remain a crucial challenge.

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Sacrifice Zones Screening
to Sep 30

Sacrifice Zones Screening

The Ironbound district of Newark, New Jersey, is one of the most toxic neighborhoods in the country. Maria Lopez-Nuñez, a Honduran-American resident there, is waging a war for environmental justice. She is part of the Ironbound Community Corporation, one of the most effective environmental justice organizations in the country. The Sacrifice Zone follows Maria as she leads a group of environmental justice fighters determined to break the cycle of poor communities of color serving as dumping grounds for our consumer society.

We will be making this film available for the month of September. RSVP and you will be given a login and password that will work from September 4th-30th and please let us know what you think at

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Marketplace of the Future 2019
12:00 PM12:00

Marketplace of the Future 2019

  • 601 West 26th Street, Suite 1505 New York, NY, 10001 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

When we look into the future, we see a time past the challenges of the Climate Crisis, a time in which circular economies, renewable energy, and sustainable systems are the norm. It is in this spirit that we bring you the Marketplace of the Future, an experiential immersion into what life will be like when all organizations are working for the betterment of people and planet.

The Marketplace of the Future is a cross between a celebration and market showcasing 40+ start-ups that operate with sustainable supply chains, give-back models, and social benefit at their core. There will be live jazz, zero-waste food and drinks, and of course, climate change camaraderie.

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The State of Green Roofs in NYC 2019
8:00 AM08:00

The State of Green Roofs in NYC 2019

  • Jacob K. Javits Convention Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join the Green Roof Researchers Alliance in a day of discussions, workshops, and green roof visits! Learn about green roof biodiversity, environmental benefits, and NYC policy. Meet leading green roof scientists and educators and learn about new scientific discoveries, curriculum, and tax incentives.

Highlights of the conference include panel discussions at the end of each session, workshops on the Javits green roof, and a panel featuring the Office of the NYC Comptroller, the Mayors Office of Sustainability, and NY Assemblywoman Nily Rozic!

This conference is designed to engage everyone, from the general public to industry specialists, architects, and scientists. Breakfast, lunch, networking reception, and workshops are included in the price of admission. Space is limited for “On the Roof” workshops - pre-registration is required by September 20th (see below to register for workshops).

To be held September 27, 2019 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center.

General Admission: $30

Student Admission: $15

Please contact Dustin R. Partridge with questions (

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Pitch Finale – Access Cities Open Innovation Call on Air Quality and Urban Heat Island Effect
6:00 PM18:00

Pitch Finale – Access Cities Open Innovation Call on Air Quality and Urban Heat Island Effect

  • 450 West 31st Street, 7th Floor New York, NY, 10001 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Access Cities is a Global Alliance for Sustainable Urban Development. Currently running in New York City, Munich, Singapore, and the two Danish cities of Copenhagen and Aarhus, the program aims to solve city problems through multi-stakeholder challenges and open innovation, as a way of accelerating technology and solution knowledge sharing between cities, and to offer better testing opportunities for vendors.

During the summer of 2019 Access Cities partnered with the City of New York for the Open Innovation Call on Air Quality and Urban Heat Island Effect – two of the most pressing challenges the City is currently facing.

We invite you to join us for the Pitch Finale and Award Show for the Call during Climate Week NYC, where up to 10 finalists will be invited to deliver their finale pitch to the judging panel consisting of 7 NYC Agencies.

Apart from pitches from the finalists, look forward to mayoral representatives from New York and Copenhagen discuss the value of city-to-city collaboration in the face of climate change, as well a comedy show about climate action.

Read about the 8 finalists’ solutions here

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The New Republic and The New School Present: Covering Climate Change: How to Turn up the Heat
6:00 PM18:00

The New Republic and The New School Present: Covering Climate Change: How to Turn up the Heat

In Honor of Climate Week NYC

The New Republic & The New School Present

Covering Climate Change: How to Turn up the Heat

We bring together a panel of journalists and activists on the US media coverage of the most urgent question to human existence, the climate emergency. Our goal will be not only to shed more light on the current coverage; but discuss how we can do more to sound the alarm, how to help our fellow journalists create more, communicate louder, and cover the crisis in more compelling terms.  In short, what is the role of journalism in covering this crisis and how much further should we go?


Guest panelists:

Meehan Crist, writer-in-residence in Biological Sciences at Columbia University

Arielle Duhaime Ross, Vice climate reporter, Host of Vox’s Reset

Vanessa Hauc, Telemundo’s Planet Tierra host

Genevieve Guenther, Affiliate faculty, Tishman Environment and Design Center

Moderated by: The New Republic, contributing editor. Author of HEATED

Get your tickets here!

Presented by The New Republic and the Tishman Environment and Design Center 

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Building a Resilient Future
8:00 AM08:00

Building a Resilient Future

  • 63 5th Avenue New York, NY, 10003 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The purpose of the Day is to reinforce the focus on resilience and the commitments expected to be made at the Climate Action Summit. It will feature innovative, interactive and participatory sessions for participants to share the actions and commitments they are making to achieve a transformative and resilient future. This will enable participants to learn from each other on what they are doing and how to embed resilience into actions to address climate change and achieve the SDGs. The Day has four objectives:

  1. To provide the opportunity for all stakeholders to commit to actions and initiatives to build a resilient future, and to explore how by breaking out of institutional and sector silos these can be greater than the sum of their parts.

  2. To highlight actions that grassroots organisations are taking, and how these organisations, and in particular women, can be part of decision making to take these actions to scale especially in the Least Developed Countries.

  3. To set out how the latest knowledge and understanding on resilience can be used to build and invest in adaptive, resilient and transformative communities and economies.

  4. To provide a highly interactive space to explore and identify new strategies, collaborations, and partnerships to advance and track the implementation of the actions and initiatives announced on the day.

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