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IN PERSON | Newark EJ Tour - The New School Only

  • Tishman Environment and Design Center, The New School 79 5th Avenue, 16th Floor New York, NY 10003 (map)

EJ Tours are an important way we can gain a greater understanding of environmental justice issues in practice. By visiting with grassroots community based organizations in these two EJ communities we have a unique opportunity to get a deeper sense of EJ work in practice. The tours are a chance to physically experience and be immersed in the spaces that EJ communities call home and to enrich your appreciation for the many dimensions of what makes each community special. These tours are not meant to be voyeuristic - they are invitations to practice building community with EJ groups we will be committed to working with over the course of the semester and I will be committed to beyond this semester. This initial touch point gives you a chance to learn about EJ in an experiential way but to also reflect on your own commitments and connectedness to these places.

EJ Tours are a labor of love for EJ activists and organizers who take time to share their work and their lived experiences - being able to learn and be physically present with them is a gift - so please try your best to attend these sessions and arrive on time to respect their offerings.

*Space is very limited and this is event is only for The New School students, staff and faculty. Masks will be required while on the bus.