
Research & Practice


The Tishman Center serves as a hub for climate and environmental justice (EJ) research and practice. Our research program holds a specific focus on critical, action-based research produced in collaboration with frontline, grassroots, and community-based organizations and coalitions. The program includes an ongoing rapid response function whereby impromptu research support is provided to help EJ leaders and groups meet the moment. As a multidisciplinary team of EJ researchers, we also engage with our respective scientific communities to help move their work into better alignment with environmental justice and equity. Research Program staff draw on a range of methodologies, including qualitative and quantitative methods, spatial analysis, systematic literature reviews, and policy analysis. Our community-based partnerships are rooted in deep relationships built over time. We often serve groups over multiple years and accompany them through the various iterations of their fight for environmental justice. The Tishman Center adheres to the Jemez Principles for Democratic Organizing as a foundation for our collaborative relationships.




Within the Center, the Research Program responds to a high demand from EJ movement leaders and groups for a trusted academic partner to collaborate and build the evidence base needed to move policies and practices. Much of this demand has focused on these areas:


Exposing climate “solutions” that perpetuate environmental racism

Catalyzing public policy to center climate and environmental justice

Addressing disparities in resourcing and investment practices

Holding the government accountable for its environmental justice commitments


Latest projects and publications


Upcoming work


Advancing Equity in Federal Funding

In partnership with the Communities First Fund, this study aims to evaluate how new federal infrastructure funding can be effectively aligned with environmental justice priorities and J40, focusing on ensuring that investments prioritize local community needs, particularly in BIPOC communities. This study also explores the dynamic between federal agencies, EJ grassroots organizations, and other stakeholders to provide recommendations to improve engagement and access to funding for the successful implementation of community-led and designed projects.

The Impact and Scale of Grassroots-Led Solutions to Achieve Climate Justice

In collaboration with the Climate Justice Alliance (CJA) and the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy, this research study examines how grassroots CJ and EJ organizations articulate the significance, scope, and impact of their efforts to address climate justice. Our analysis will also include an evaluative framework more aligned with frontline groups that can demonstrate the effectiveness of local climate justice solutions.

Equity-based analysis of Delaware’s Green Energy Fund

This project investigates the distribution of rebates given out for residential solar installation by Delmarva Power in Newcastle County, Delaware. The analysis helps to surface equity concerns around how a clean energy transition happens.


Research team