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ONLINE | Building Climate Justice Leadership: A Centering Justice Webinar

While the world is experiencing increased political and ecological disruption, educators, knowledge keepers, and life-long learners are seeking innovative solutions that both dismantle the structural inequities of the past and build an equitable climate future by teaching and learning, together. Higher education plays a pivotal role in bringing together community-based knowledge and solutions, with institutional knowledge and capacity building. When done correctly, universities can leverage state and federal funding for increased sustainability.

When centering justice, students, researchers, and grassroots leaders can create and enhance broader means of self-determination and economic sovereignty resulting in more robust thriving communities. The speakers will explore, what does it mean to build ethical alignment in the knowledge economy? How do university practitioners best uplift local knowledge without extraction? How can we train students and change makers to be leaders and champions for justice through 2060 and beyond?

The Building Climate Justice Leadership panel discussion will address these critical questions, aiming to advance thinking and action related to growing and supporting the future of climate justice leadership. The event will have a panel discussion and then open for Q&A with webinar participants. We hope you will join us. 

Presented by

Tishman Environment and Design Center at the New School & Tishman Center for Social Justice and the Environment at the University of Michigan

With support from

Mellon Foundation & Waverley Street Foundation