Although this post is a bit late, we would like to highlight our Program Coordinator, Anna Yulsman (MA, Parsons, ‘19) who works on a number of projects and is a valuable member of our team at the Tishman Center.
Read MoreBrian McGrath, an Associate Director of the Tishman Center and Professor of Urban Design at Parsons, recently co-authored a book titled Patch Atlas, which is a new tool for mapping urban land cover that integrates design principles and ecological knowledge for understanding cities as complex, patchy, and dynamic systems. McGrath also co-authored an article in Science for the Sustainable City which presents key findings and insights from over two decades of research, education, and community engagement in the acclaimed Baltimore Ecosystem Study.
Read MoreEmily Dickinson ‘17 is an Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management Program Alum, who currently works as the Climate and Sustainability Initiative Manager at the Madison Square Park Conservancy.
Read MoreHumanities Action Lab is a coalition of universities, including The New School, issue organizations, and public spaces in 23 cities that collaborate to create community-curated projects on urgent social issues. This collaboration between students and community organizations culminated in an exhibition that will travel among the participating communities for two years.
Read MoreWe are excited to announce the 2019-2020 Tishman Center’s Faculty Grant recipients.
Grant funds will support the development of innovative curriculum materials focused on defined sustainability learning outcomes, including social justice values and environmental literacy competencies students should develop in order to graduate from the New School.
Read MoreThe Green New Deal (GND) has rapidly become a prevailing topic in popular discourse. As we continue to face climate crisis, the GND platform is praised for promising a new way to imagine our future. A few weeks ago during The Tishman Center’s “Green New Deal and Environmental Justice” event during the The New School’s centennial celebration, we heard from a variety of activists and grassroots organizers
Read MoreWhen the United Nations (UN) released the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on the first day of 2016, Greta had not protested outside of the Swedish Parliament yet, the world was not at 350 gigatons yet, and the United States election fever was burning. Now in 2019, a youth movement has caught fire under the pressures of rapidly declining climate conditions with little global participation or concern and has teamed up alongside climate organizations alike to document and participate in the reaction and action to the ongoing climate crisis.
Read MoreRead the 2018-2019 Tishman Center Annual Report!
Read More"When we start hearing about climate change, that's just another thing that we have to think about that is oppressing us." Mike Harrington describes how climate change harms black people more than other groups and shares how we should tackle the issue.
Read More“Anxiety and hopelessness arise from apathy and inaction. The cure is simple: action. Small actions every day, bigger ones whenever possible.” — Professor Timo Rissanen
Read MoreBlog post about why water conservation is important at The New School and the Water Saver Poster competition.
Read MoreJoin us for the Youth Climate Strike on September 20th (if you feel so inclined)!
Read MoreOver 70 groups including the Tishman Center signed on to a historic national climate policy agenda. You can read the entire platform here
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