Grant Winner Wendy Popp Hosts "Beyond the Polar Bears" Workshops

Wendy Popp is a part-time faculty member at Parsons School of Design, Tishman Center Affiliated Faculty, and a Tishman Center  Faculty Grant Recipient. This semester, Popp has held several workshops with artists as a part of her research project, Beyond the Polar Bears.

Check out her recaps of these workshops below!

Beyond the Polar Bears Waxing on Bees with Todd Lambrix

One has to take pause when introduced to the idea of having sex in the air with whatever drone one chooses.Yesterday, we were equally enchanted and compelled as Todd Lambrix described his fascination with bees and his personal knowledge of beekeeping for our recent Beyond Polar Bears micro-workshop. In an effort to “cross pollinate” we invited students and faculty from across The New School University to come together to listen to details about our most essential pollinators and perhaps draw some inspiration from Todd’s unique view of his own hives; how themes of science and nature inform his art and to what extent the climate has affected change on his experience with our beleaguered bee populations in survival mode.

Micro-minutes From Our Second Workshop: Beyond the Polar Bear with Guy Billout

During his special visit last Thursday, we had a chance to speak with [Guy Billout] beyond his professorial role at Parsons. We focused on the artist and his personal view of creativity and process while reflecting on the context of climate change.

Beyond Polar Bears, Micro-workshop and Chat with Luba Lukova

On an unusual 61 degree day in Feb. Luba Lukova sat down in an informal setting with our students who had gathered for the first in our series of micro-workshops for Beyond Polar Bears. She shared her Portfolio of Social Justice Posters that is arguably some of the most iconic imagery in the realm of graphic poster design.