New Student Group Fires Ahead with Weekly Talks on Sustainability


Guest Post by Amanda Novello, President of oikosNYC

If you’re reading this blog, you probably know that sustainability is a broad reaching and multi-faceted idea; an idea that has permeated our every day lives, the structure of our homes and businesses, and policy up to the highest of international scales. Faculty, staff, and students across all areas of The New School look at sustainability through all of these lenses. However, as Professor Shaikh (Economics, NSSR) says, economics is the only profession that doesn’t see the whole as more than just a sum of its parts. Three economics MA/MS students (Oliver, Amanda, and Erin, from left to right) would like to break the mold formed by the limited scope of sustainability-mindedness in economics.oikos NYC, one of 40+ oikos chapters worldwide, is a new student organization at The New School that has taken on the challenge of bringing together our diverse university to engage in discussions that will benefit us all. Professors have presented on work ranging from the effects of climate change on coffee in Columbia to the looming climate refugee crisis, and students have presented on financialization of nature and The New School’s divestment project.


Oliver Braunschweig is co-President of oikos NYC with Amanda Novello.  was born in Switzerland where he also did his BA in Economics and Social Sciences, while being active in conflict resolution and interfaith dialogue. He intermittently worked as a journalist, and in a think tank focused on sustainability in economic policy. At the New School, he studies for his MA in Economics and wanted to supplement the teaching with a focus on sustainability which led him to co-found oikos NYC.Erin Hayde is Treasurer of oikos NYC. A native Californian, completed her bachelor's degree in Economics and Political Science at the University of Utah. She worked for the Utah Governor's Environmental Advisor, Ted Wilson, as well as for the Utah Office of Energy Development. Erin then worked as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Panama, where she worked on a variety of projects, from education development to recycling and reforestation projects. Currently studying for her M.A. in Economics from the NSSR, Erin hopes oikos NYC will increase student efficacy in sustainable development projects at any scale.Amanda Novello is co-President of oikos NYC with Oliver Braunschweig. She grew up just across the river in New Jersey, but spent her formative years across the country and abroad. After earning a B.S Economics and Mathematics degree at USC, she lived in Israel for one year traveling and working with a healthcare IT startup. In summer 2016, as a part of the New School’s International Field Program, Amanda lived in Ethiopia working with a higher ed institute for economic development. Amanda is particularly concerned with how sustainability can be taught in economics and is excited to be a part of oikos NYC.So, how does this relate to you? Join the conversation!-Present at a Community Lunch on work you’ve done or a project you’d like to start (dates still available in October and November).-Write an event recap and analysis blog, to be featured across various publications at TNS.-Become a Board Member and help plan the future of the organization!-Be in touch: follow oikos NYC on Facebook, or email lunches have been generously funded by the University Student Senate (USS).