GreenHome NYC Seeks Student Volunteers
From GreenHome NYC:A community-oriented, volunteer-run organization, GreenHomeNYC’s mission is to promote an energy efficient and sustainable built environment and to support green professional development in New York City. The organization provides sustainability information to the general public and technical education to advance sustainability careers through a diverse array of programming, events, peer-to-peer mentoring and networking opportunities.Our programs are fully organized and managed by our dedicated volunteers. We have no full-time paid staff, so we value your creativity as well as your time and commitment.Build your skills, enhance your credibility, and grow your network by becoming a GreenHomeNYC volunteer.We need your help with:
Planning, outreach, and followup for our Green Careers, Monthly Forums, and Green Building Tours events.
Writing, photography, and graphic design for our blog, newsletter, website, and educational materials.
Videography and social media outreach for our web-based presence.
Sign up here and you’ll be contacted by our Volunteer Department. Those interested in working on our blog and newsletter should also contact directly.We are currently actively seeking writers and photographers.