2023-2024 Aronson Fellowship Recap & New Cohort Application NOW OPEN

Congratulations to the 2023-2024 Cohort of Aronson Fellows

We congratulate our Aronson Fellows from the previous academic year (2023-2024) on their incredible work. Our six fellows represented all levels of study, from undergraduate to PhD students, and were students at the Schools of Public Engagement, Parsons, and Lang. We also worked with faculty mentors Alison Schuettinger and Chao Hui Tu, both from Parsons, who provided their skills, guidance, and wisdom to help the fellows realize their visions as tangible projects. 

We will share some of their deliverables, and we encourage you to check out the interviews below with some of our previous Aronson fellows.  

We are proud of the work these fellows have done in service of creating a more just world through their creativity, drive, and passion. 

Van Xelo (Schools of Public Engagement, Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management MS program, class of ‘23)

Van Xelo (they/she) is a student in the Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management (EPSM) program whose project is the development of a documentary that will explore the relationships between campesinos/farmers in Mexico and food sovereignty in NYC. They are working with community groups in NYC and family members in Puebla, Mexico. 

Mackenzie Daly (Schools of Public Engagement, Public and Urban Policy PhD program)


Mackenzie (she/her) is a Public and Urban Policy PhD student whose project focuses on community-driven basic income programs.  She is interested in working with local groups to determine what their needs are from their points of view, including environmental and social resilience necessities. 

Carlos Celis (Schools of Public Engagement, Public and Urban Policy PhD program)

Carlos (he/him) is a Public and urban policy PhD student investigating Bogota's informal waste economy through interviews and photography. He is interested in how Bogota can create a culture of care around recycling and waste management and in documenting people who are often overlooked in handling waste. 

Jac Clayton (Parsons School of Design and Eugene  Lang College of Liberal Arts  joint BA/BFA program, class of ‘25)


Jac Clayton (they/them) is both a Parsons and Lang student working towards a dual BFA/BA program between both colleges. Their project revolves around creating a teaching kit about handling the anxiety around climate change for high school students. They also want to work with teachers to see how they can help them limit projecting their own anxieties around climate change onto their students. 

Sakshi Pandey (Parsons School of Design, Transdisciplinary Design MFA program, class of ‘25)

Sakshi is a Parsons Masters student in the Transdisciplinary Design program. In her project, she is researching the Bhopal Disaster of 1984, where a pesticide plant leaked harmful gases that still affect the population and area today. Her aim is to bring awareness to the disaster and the environmental injustices that both caused the disaster and that still contribute to current harms. 

Ally Lorico (Parsons School of Design, Masters in History of Design and Curatorial Studies program, class of ‘24) 

Ally (she/her) is a student in the History of Design and Curatorial Studies program at Parsons. In her project, she engages with building materials that are native to the Philippines and is curious about sustainable design strategies using those materials. She plans to make booklets about each of the materials she is researching. 

Apply Now!

Are you an undergraduate or graduate student at The New School? Are you excited about expanding your environmental, climate, and social justice research? Perhaps you're already working on a project and could benefit from a mentor and cohort to challenge and push your project to the next level. This Fellowship award is a minimum of $5,000.

Apply NOW for 2024-2025 fellowship here. The application is open until September 30, 2024.


Learn More about the fellowship from the stories with our 2022-2023 Aronson fellows

Dana Duarte Hernandez

Parsons, Strategic Design Management MS program, class of ‘23


Kier Blake

Schools of Public Engagement, Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management MS program, class of ‘23