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DECOLONIZE, REINDIGENIZE: Planetary Crisis, Biocultural Diversity, Indigenous Resurgence & Land Rematriation

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Leonardo Figueroa Helland will be giving a lecture for Hamilton College on “Indigenous Resurgence and Land Rematriation as Decolonizing Pathways beyond the Climate Crisis”

Across Mother Earth, Indigenous peoples are keystone societies, fostering ecosystem richness and regeneration across the planet. This talk foregrounds exemplary cases in Turtle Island and Abya Yala (the Americas), while touching on on examples from elsewhere in the world; it underlines how Indigenous revitalization/re-Indigenization in hand with decolonization and land rematriation are key both to Indigenous resurgence and to the restoration of biocultural diversity. It concludes that defending and revitalizing Indigeneity while dismantling colonial and associated power structures are indispensable decolonizing requirements to overcome and p/refigure alternatives to the systems driving ‘Anthropocene’ crises.