Ripe for Creative disruption: an environmental justice movement fellowship


The fellowship is a 2 year experience made up of four 6-month phases. Fellows will participate in a combination of virtual and in-person retreats, group coaching sessions, and ideation to scaling project phases.

Group Applications are open between August 25, 2021 to September 26, 2021 11:59pm PT.

In coordination with Environmental Justice (EJ) leaders from across the country, The New School is launching Ripe for Creative Disruption: An Environmental Justice Movement Fellowship (EJMF). The unprecedented speed, magnitude, and impact of climate change requires redesigning our global economic, social, and political systems. Incremental, reformist climate change responses have been ineffective. What the world needs now are solutions that transform the extractive systems that cause environmental harm. The EJ Movement’s critique of political, social, and economic systems and focus on frontline solutions for those most vulnerable to climate change make it prime to disrupt the status quo and advance transformative climate solutions.

Informational Sessions

Sign up for an Informational Session to learn more about the EJ Movement Fellowship.

  • Informational Session
    Sep 7, 2021 3:30 - 4:30 pm ET 
    Click the link to register: Link to register 

  • Informational Session
    Sep 14, 20213:30 - 4:30 pm ET 
    Click the link to register: Link to register

Collective Movement Leadership

Our partnership with the Environmental Justice Movement has been integral to the fellowship since its inception. We have remained centered in working with EJ leaders to design a program rooted in collaborative culture and decolonial, liberation, feminist and regenerative world views. The EJMF is dedicated to practicing and uplifting the EJ Principles of Working Together and Jemez Principles of Democratic Organizing.


Reimagine and Design a Bold Future

The Environmental Justice Movement Fellowship will support and grow the capacity of movement leaders to design innovative and disruptive strategies that advance a transformative climate justice agenda on a local, Tribal, national and global scale. The aim of this fellowship is to nurture, test, and deploy contentious, creative, and scalable solutions. We seek to co-create the conditions and curriculum that can best support groups of movement leaders in their efforts to generate and pilot these strategies for movement impact. 



As a part of our design process, we conducted a needs assessment of the EJ movement to evaluate the priority issues and strategies, challenges, transformational campaigns, and the expressed needs in relation to a future fellowship. The assessment, which included 48 interviews and 167 surveys with movement leaders, identified Climate Justice, Environmental Health, Energy Democracy, and Just Transition as key themes for urgent and long term intervention, as well as areas of work ripe for experimentation and disruption. 




Groups of 2-4 EJ leaders will work as part of a community of other fellows, key contributors, staff, an advisory committee, coaches and seed supporters as well as historic and aligned movement leaders and Mother Earth. In relationship and at the center of a circle of support, fellows are able to learn, unlearn, and design disruptive action and solutions from the cumulative advances of EJ over the last 30+ years.

Financial & In-kind Resources

The Fellowship offers 2+ years of support for design, research, and prototyping solutions. Fellows receive individual stipends of $12,000 and groups will receive between $10,000-$20,000 to support their group prototypes. Groups will also receive coaching. Fellows’ organizations will receive $5,000 to $8,000 per participating fellow.

All travel and lodging expenses for the retreats will be covered. There are also separate emergency discretionary funds available for fellows how may need to cover additional costs in order to participate fully in the program.


For more information please contact Marouh Hussein, Program Manager. 


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Supported By:


The Tishman Environment and Design Center is committed to working with movement artists. Our creatives are central to our stories.

Jihan Hafiz

Yuki Kidokoro

Loisse Ledres

Cody Wallis