climate crisis, justice and covid-19

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Climate change is here now, and it is imperative that we connect the dots on what is happening around the globe. The coronavirus pandemic is not an isolated incident, but is the result of human activities causing other increasingly severe ecological events connected to the climate crisis such as the wildfires that ravaged Australia and Hurricanes Maria, Harvey and Sandy. There is growing evidence that the destruction of natural habitats drives animals into areas where humans live, therefore exposing the population to novel viruses. These events are a direct result of the economic, political and social systems that are exploiting people and the planet, warming the earth, and polluting our air, land, and water. 

The Tishman Environment and Design Center stands in solidarity with the Green New Deal Network and the Climate Justice Alliance, both groups have released core Principles to ensure the response to COVID-19 and climate change are grounded in equity and justice and amplify the voices and efforts of frontline communities and their leaders. 

In order to protect our children, ourselves and future generations, we need to recognize that the Coronavirus pandemic is a dry run for future climate-related impacts, which will only grow in severity and frequency. This pandemic provides numerous lessons relevant to the climate crisis on the systemic responses needed to equitably protect society. 

We will be constantly updating this page with information and resources related to COVID-19 and the intersections of climate change and environmental justice.